GodSpeak – Heart of Membership: Poor in Spirit/Mourn – September 15-20, 2014

Heart of Membership
Poor in Spirit/Mourn

It’s the first step to following Jesus. Repent. Be poor in spirit. Be forgiven by God. Live in repentance and forgiveness. Then turn outward and see the sin, the pain, the hurt and mourn.
Daily Prayer: Jesus, please forgive all my sins and give me a heart that breaks for our sinful world.

 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. – Matthew 5:3

Monday, September 15
Read Mark 1:1-20. What was the message of John the Baptist? What was the message of Jesus? Is repentance just a feeling? Why is repentance necessary to in the kingdom of God?

Tuesday, September 16
Read Luke 18:9-14. Compare the profession of a tax collector to a Pharisee. What was different about how they approached God? Who should we emulate? When you approach God, do you come as one who is worthy or unworthy?

Wednesday, September 17
Read Luke 24:36-53. Jesus began his ministry proclaiming repentance and forgiveness. Here before he ascends to heaven, what is the message the disciples are to take to all nations? How do you model repentance even as you share the need for it?

4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. – Matthew 5:4

Thursday, September 18
Read Acts 17:16-33. What happened to Paul’s heart when he saw Athens filled with idols? What did Paul respond to his morning over the city? Do you mourn over the idols of our culture? Which of today’s idols grip your heart the most with grief?

Friday, September 19
Read John 11. It’s the shortest verse in the Bible and perhaps the most misunderstood. “Jesus wept.” Why was Jesus weeping? Was he sad for Lazarus’ death even as we was about to raise him? What if he was mourning over the unbelief of the people around him? Do you weep for your unbelieving friends and family? Name them now to God and pray for their repentance.

Saturday, September 20
Read Matthew 23:37-39. Jesus laments deeply over Jerusalem, just before he is to suffer there for the forgiveness of sins. Pray to God to deepen your lament over the sinful condition of our world.

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN   –   bethelstpaul.com


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